The Graph, a blockchain indexing protocol, selected Gnosis Chain this week as their first new supported chain. Gnosis Chain was selected for its user-friendliness of running nodes, indexer readiness, and alignment with @graphprotocol’s adoption within web3. Indexers who intend to support Gnosis on The Graph Network should begin syncing their Gnosis Chain nodes now!
Want to learn the basics about validating on the beacon chain?
All about GBC:
GBC Explorer:
Become a validator:
Liquid staking:
To stay up to date with all things merge-related, whether you’re a validator or not - head over to the Gnosis Chain Discord.
🎟 DappCon Tickets
DappCon is weeks away!
@gluk64 co-founder of zkSync will deliver a talk along with a number of other leading names across web3 →
Follow the DappCon Berlin twitter for details. Gnosis is the primary sponsor and host of the event.
A global developer conference for Ethereum Dapps and Infrastructure
12-14 September 2022
💫 Gnosis Spotlight
Project Updates
🌐 DeNet added Gnosis
🤝 Hopr created an RPC setup for Gnosis Chain featuring two Nethermind nodes!
FoxWallet integrated Gnosis Chain this week 🔐
Gnosis DAO
Hello Wise Owls🦉 - Did you know that anyone can post a GIP on the Gnosis Forum? Join our Discord and we'll show you how. For a full overview, be sure to head over to the forum. Let’s go!
🦉GnosisDAO Forum🦉
Phase-1 Proposals
Should GnosisDAO Sponsor Prode markets?
Should GnosisDAO fund Sisu Network - A Grant Matching and Universal Private Contract Initiative?
Should GnosisDAO award a Grant to Algovera to develop a DAO framework for Decentralized AI Teams?
🏔 of the Week
A few weekly tidbits highlighting regular goings on.
🏘 DAO of the Week: Raid Brood
Raid Brood is a DAO, unleashed from Raid Guild, that brings together enthusiasts of craft beer in the web3 community.
DAO members collaborate on types of beers, IRL events, label art and treasury management.
Raid Brood was launched using the Yeeter, a Web3 crowdfunding tool that automatically gives the people contributing funds loot shares in the DAO.
The first brew was Blood of Moloch, a Russian Imperial Stout, at EthDenver 2022, and Red Pils, a summer pilsner, will debut at MCON2. Both recipes were crafted by award winning brew master and Raid Guild cleric, Sasquatch.
🙏 Thank you
We appreciate our community for your support and steadfastness in times of calm and in times of turbulence! Come say hi in the Gnosis Chain Discord. Join us for the next GnosisDAO Community Call on the 13th of October at 5PM CET, GnosisDAO Twitter Spaces account.
See you on-chain,
Gnosis Chain Team