Gnosis Chain rebrand kickoff
🎨 Poster Contest - details on GnosisDAO Discord
🌱 Job openings to support ecosystem growth
📢 STAKE swap to GNO ENDS MAY 31. Be safe & swap today!
OpenEthereum support reaches EOL, Nethermind migration highly encouraged.
New GnosisDAO GIPs and Snapshot Votes 🗳 this week.
📺 Gnosis TV Q&As with DeFi Yield
🏔 of the Week
DAO of the Week: Yeeter trustless crowdfunding
NFT of the Week: Zerion DNA
Darkforest special round this weekend: *Nine Stars Battle*
🌍 Rebranding for a Better Future
The time for creative solutions is now. Technology must serve the interests of humanity if we are to solve many of the increasingly severe crises impacting this planet.
Most blockchain adopters believe the technology underpinning decentralization and cryptocurrencies has the potential to address some of humanity’s biggest challenges. Climate change, group coordination and organization, political participation, and financial inequality are just a few problems blockchain technology can directly impact.
However, in order to manifest a better future, it must first be envisioned!
Gnosis chain is embarking on a brand transformation to sync our values of sustainability, community, and equality with the underlying brand aesthetic. The ethos is solarpunk; emphasizing an abundant and clean future made possible with positive tech, creativity, and decentralized collaboration.
A poster contest is kicking off the rebranding initiative, and we invite you to help shape the message with your own unique design! Prizes will be awarded including:
1st place: DappNode Xtreme Gnosis Chain validator
2nd place: DappNode Max validator
3rd place: 1 GNO
To learn more and participate, visit the #🎨-gnosis-chain-poster-competition channel on the GnosisDAO discord. Contest ends 24 June.
For additional info please see the GnosisDAO Mirror post, which also highlights the DAO ecosystem thriving on the GC.
🌱 Humans Needed to Support Ecosystem Growth
The rebrand signals a new direction for Gnosis Chain. Not only are outward appearances changing, but many inner organizational workings are also undergoing a seismic shift. New initiatives, grants, marketing, developer docs and outreach, and business development are all ramping up with funding from GIP-38.
With this in mind, job opportunities are opening quickly.
If you want to be part of something special, with a mission to help bring about real change, please consider applying.
If you have unique skills which don’t match a specific job title, we encourage you to apply to the open position and let us know how you can help!
→ →→ Gnosis Job Board ← ← ←
🥩 STAKE Swap to GNO ENDS MAY 31!
That’s right, this is your last opportunity to swap STAKE to GNO. The swap has been ongoing for nearly 6 months, and these are the final days. To avoid issues and any timezone confusion, swap by May 30. Do not wait until the last minute!
At this stage, swapping is only available on the Gnosis Chain. If you have STAKE on Ethereum, you need to bridge it to the GC. If you have STAKE in Easystaking, you need to pull it out then bridge to Gnosis Chain.
Easystaking: Pull out any remaining STAKE (if applicable).
OmniBridge: Bridge any STAKE on Ethereum to the Gnosis Chain.
Swap UI: Swap your STAKE for GNO on the Gnosis Chain.
Detailed instructions are available here
🦄 Uniswap v3 Confirmed
On the heels of successful proposals in both the Gnosis (GIP-42) and Uniswap (Proposal 2.20) communities, it’s confirmed that Uniswap v3 is coming to GC. We are working out deployment details now and will let you know once a firm ETA is established!
🎬 OpenEthereum Support Ends
OpenEthereum has a long history as a client for xDai/Gnosis Chain. Support has officially been deprecated, and no new updates will be made to the client going forward.
While still functional, it makes sense to transition GC nodes to Nethermind as soon as you can. Likely OE will work until the Gnosis Chain - Gnosis Beacon Chain merge, but if something were to arise it is better to be on a supported network.
Instructions are available for node-runners as well as execution-layer validators (not Gnosis Beacon Chain validators, only POSDAO validators who are currently running OpenEthereum).
The instructions use Docker to help you quickly and seamlessly migrate.
Node-Runners: Migrate to Nethermind from OpenEthereum on Gnosis Chain.
POSDAO Validators: Migrate to Nethermind from OpenEthereum on Gnosis Chain.
Gnosis DAO
Hello Wise Owls🦉 - Did you know that anyone can post a GIP on the Gnosis Forum? Join our Discord and we'll show you how. For a full overview, be sure to head over to the forum.
⚡️Recently Passed On Snapshot⚡️
GIP-46: Should GNO from the GnosisDAO Safe be transferred to the treasury management safe operated by Karpatkey? [Concluded May 27, 2022]
GIP-44: Allow GNO holders to vote with invested/staked/locked positions in mainnet/gc [Concluded May 10, 2022]
🦉GnosisDAO Forum🦉
GIP-48: Should GnosisDAO implement the Praise reward system around the Gnosis Chain Validator program?
GIP-47: Should GnosisDAO pass a Grant Proposal to form a long-term partnership with Nethermind, Gnosis Chain’s primary node?
Subscribe to the Gnosis Chain channel to stay up-to-date with the latest videos. We are running an AMA series with T Wells interviewing various projects that call Gnosis Chain Home.
The typical format is a live version, then a few curated Q&As are selected from the AMA the following week. Below are a few quick hits from the AMA with DeFi Yield.
Q1) How Does DeFi Yield help the average crypto user make better risk decisions?
Q2) What makes the approval revocation feature on DeFi Yield unique?
Several weeks ago Martin spoke with Tachyon covering the history and future of Gnosis Chain. The video is now up. Other Tachyon talks are also available here.
🏔 of the Week
A few weekly tidbits highlighting regular goings on.
🏘 DAO of the Week: Yeeter
Yeeter is the easiest way to bootstrap a DAO. Community funds raised on Yeeter go into a DAO treasury and contributors receive loot shares. These shares are ragequitable, giving loot holders the option to leave the DAO if they don’t like the way the project is moving forward. This Web3 crowdfunding platform can be used for new communities or workstreams within existing organizations.
Built by RaidGuild and DAOhaus, with Gnosis chain integrations, Yeeter is the no-code option for funding your project, while preserving individuals’ option to exit. It is open-source and maintained by DAO contributors.
🧬 NFT of the Week: Zerion DNA
Zerion announced a new “living” NFT that evolves as you explore web3 environments. Once you claim the NFT using a Zerion Wallet, it begins to transform based on your activity across networks. On Gnosis Chain, look for dark green transformations!
🪐 Thanks to our Community
Thank you to all Gnosis Chain supporters! We hope you have a relaxing weekend and a chance to reconnect with the things that enliven you.
If one of those is gaming (or exploring the outer bounds of the blockchain universe with other like-minded souls), we recommend a special round of DarkForest *Nine Stars Battle* taking place this weekend with dfdao and 277dao. The round starts today on Gnosis Chain Optimism and lasts 36 hours.
See you on-chain,
The Gnosis Chain Team